Effective Learning
I signed up for this class as a requirement to enter the Dental Assisting program, at Chemeketa Community College. I didn't entirely know what to expect from the class; however what I found is not what I expected. The study skills class is similar to one I had in high school, but Robin's class has allowed me to connect the dots; creating the connections in my synapses that allow the information and studying to flow.
These are some of the assignments that we were asked to complete to showcase skills that we learned:
Interviewing a professional
Mind Mapping a Chapter
This mind map is of the concepts of the twelve principals of memory.
Joy of Learning
Robin Gilley, Instructor
Name__Jessica Lasneski______
Joy of Learning
For your Joy of Learning assignment
you will be exploring something in your life that you learned for the sheer joy
of learning, i.e. learning a new language, home building projects, stained
glass, sky diving, sailing, gardening, meditation, movie making, etc. The only requirement for this project is that
it be something that you experience as fun and enjoyable. You will be reflecting on your learning
Thoroughly answer
the following questions:
What is my Joy of
Learning experience? ___Sign Language_____________________
What were the
specific action steps I have taken to start and complete my Joy of learning experience?__Enrolling
in a sign language course at Chemeketa Community College, as well as finding
people I could practice signing with and learning new signs from in the Deaf Community._________________________________________________
What was a
stretch for me? __Immersing myself
into a room of Deaf People and not knowing how to sign.___________________________________________________
What did I have
to ‘unlearn’ to help me complete my Joy of Learning experience? ___I had to
unlearn what is known as Encoded sign language, otherwise known as the middle
ground between sign language and English signs. This was the hardest part as I
had to unlearn what I had been taught since birth and the Deaf Culture has been
fighting since birth.______________________________________________________________
How can I apply
what I’m learning to my work, home life or experience in college?
learning American Sign Language I opened a whole new avenue of people to communicate
with in my experience at college, as well as gaining the tools to communicate with several people in my personal life.________________________________________
What have I
learned about Learning from this assignment?
__Learning is an ongoing activity which can be applied to many
things. Also that we never stop learning. There is always ten percent that we
don’t know; even if we know the topic._________________
Please include a self
evaluation of your participation and effort put into this project.
Rate yourself on a scale of
1-10, indicating your level of participation. 1 (low) 10 (high)
How did you determine your
score for participation? __By how much time I thought about the questions and how they all
connected to what I am currently using in my life._________________